Joel Cothran was born in Louisville, KY. Raised near Columbia, SC. Graduated with BA from Savannah College of Art and Design with Visual Art Major.
Since graduating in 2010, Joel has lived in Texas and California and has worked in numerous disciplines and trades. From construction and woodworking to traveling Muralist and TV and Film. All the unique experiences and traveling influence the current body of work.
Since moving back to Columbia, SC in 2017 he has embarked on a current path of discovery through a variety of techniques and series. The current series is called "Coloring Book" and focuses on taking small drawings and enlarging them to fill with color.
The newest venture that houses all of the ideas created is called WKRBC RADIO. A studio in the heart of Columbia off main street a couple blocks from the Capitol. It will be the primary focus to facilitate new work and display them for the time being. The meaning of it deals with the definition of Radio: or to Radiate. The goal of the business is to serve as an outlet for creativity.